Getting Continuous with Maven and srcdeps

Peter Palaga

About me

Peter Palaga

  • Sustaining Engineer for JBoss EAP at Red Hat
  • The main author of srcdeps
  • Views in this presentation are my own


Tweak Maven so that large projects can be developed in a more continuous manner


Tweak Maven so that large projects can be developed in a more continuous manner

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Continous Integration (CI) Martin Fowler (2006)

A practice where

  • Engineers merge their changes frequently (daily!)
  • Each integration verified by an automated build (including tests)
  • Errors detected as early as possible

Continuous Delivery (CD) Martin Fowler (2013):

  • Builds on top of CI
  • Coding done in such a way that the software releasable to production at any time
  • Small change sets pass automated deployment pipeline in short cycles

Why is CI/CD good?

  • Value to the customer faster
  • Quality through repeatability and automation
  • Reduce costs and risk


Tweak Maven so that large projects can be developed in a more continuous manner

Large Maven based projects (1/2)

Maven based

  • Have Maven like dependencies (identified by GAV)
  • Written in any JVM language (Java, Ceylon, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin, …​)


  • Multiple components living in multiple separate source repositories
  • The components have independent release cycles
  • The components depend on each other, building a dependency hierarchy

Large Maven based projects (2/2)

Take WildFly as an example

wf component dependencies
Figure 1. WildFly Components dependencies, strongly simplified


Tweak Maven so that large projects can be developed in a more continuous manner

Change’s travel through the component hierarchy

Given that Component A depends on Component B

a depends on b
  1. Merge a change (Fix, Feature, …​) in B
  2. Wait till B gets released
  3. Upgrade B in A
  4. Optionally adapt A
  5. Test B inside A
  6. Bug in B uncovered by A’s integration tests? - Goto 1
  7. Integration in A successful? - wait for the release of A

What is wrong with the above process?

  • Infrequent releases of components slow down the delivery
  • Make developers unfocused through task switching
  • Releases may collect multiple changes → regression causes are harder to find


Tweak Maven so that large projects can be developed in a more continuous manner

How can we propagate smaller change sets faster?

With the stock Maven, there are only two options to shorten the cycles:

  • Relase often

Remote SNAPSHOTs are evil

You never know what you get

  • local/remote SNAPSHOT?
  • latest today != latest tomorrow

The build of a component depending on another SNAPSHOT component is not reproducible

Best practice: Remote SNAPSHOTs always off (esp. for CI)

Release components often

mockito core releases
  • 100% reproducible
  • Releasing may cost developers' time (doable by CI)
  • Many short living dev releases clutter maven repositories
  • The component’s team must want to release

    • Governed outside of one’s own organization?

Let’s forget the stock Maven for a moment…​

  • The build of every git commit deterministic enough
  • Why don’t we depend on git commits directly?
  • We could let Maven build the dependencies on the fly from their sources!

Welcome srcdeps!

  • Reconsider if releasing of the components is necessary at all (see further)
  • In any case, we can avoid releases done just for the sake of testing and integration

Change’s travel with srcdeps

Parts in bold eliminated

  1. Merge a change (Fix, Feature, …​) in B
  2. Wait till B gets released
  3. Upgrade B in A
  4. Optionally adapt A
  5. Test B inside A
  6. Bug in B uncovered by A’s integration tests? - Goto 1
  7. Integration in A successful? wait for release of A

How srcdeps work (1/2)

Three basic ideas

  1. Coin a convention for version strings to express the commit ID to build the given dependency from

      <version>1.2.3-SRC-revision-deadbeef</version> <!-- deadbeef is a git commit ID -->
  2. Provide a configuration that maps dependency artifacts to source repository URLs
  3. Build the artifacts as they are requested from the Local Maven Repository by providing our implementation of the local repository

How srcdeps work (2/2)

When an artifact with *-SRC-revision-{commitId} version is looked up in Maven local repo

  • Find a git URL for it
  • Checkout the source
  • Change the versions in the pom.xml files to whatever *-SRC-revision-{commitId} was requested
  • Build and install locally

Demo time

Let’s have a simple project

public class Demo {
    public String sayHello() {
        return "Hello World!";

public class DemoTest {
    public void sayHelloTest() {
        Assert.assertEquals("Hello World!", new Demo().sayHello());

Say that we need to change something in junit

public class Demo {
    public String sayHello() {
        return "Hello World!";

public class DemoTest {
    public void sayHelloTest() {
        Assert.assertDevConf(new Demo().sayHello());

Clone junit

Add what is necessary

public class Assert {

    public static void assertDevConf(String actual) {
        assertEquals("Not the right conference!!!", "Hello DevConf!", actual);


Commit and push whereever appropriate

Intialize srcdeps configuration in the depeendent project

mvn org.srcdeps.mvn:srcdeps-maven-plugin:3.0.1:init

That generates .mvn/extensions.xml and .mvn/srcdeps.yaml files


  • Maven Core Extensions since Maven 3.3.1
  • Allows for replacing substantial parts of Maven by our own custom implementations
  • Much more powerful than the plugin API

    • Parent, BoM imports are looked up earlier than any plugin code can be invoked


configModelVersion: 2.0
    - junit # a groupId[:artifactId[:version]] pattern, optionally with * wildcard
    - git:
  • A mapping from artifacts to git URLs
  • Plus some other options

Upgrade junit in the dependent project


Build the dependent project

cd srcdeps-demo
mvn clean test
Failed tests:
        Not the right conference!!! expected:<Hello [DevConf]!> but was:<Hello [World]!>

Fix Demo.sayHello() to return "Hello DevConf!"

cd srcdeps-demo
mvn clean test
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0


Interesting locations

  • The source dependency was built under ${local.maven.repo.dir}/../srcdeps/${groupId}, typically ~/.m2/srcdeps/${groupId}
  • The source dependency was installed in the local Maven repo, typically `~/.m2/repository

Miscellaneous srcdeps features

Dependencies can refer to not only commits, but also branches and tags:

  • 1.2.3-SRC-revision-{myCommitId}
  • 1.2.3-SRC-branch-{myBranchName}
  • 1.2.3-SRC-revision-{myTagName}

Source dependencies work for vitually any kind of a dependency incl. parent, managed imports and even plugins

Configurable via .mvn/srcdeps.yaml:

  • Configurable verbosity of dependency builds
  • Custom arguments for dependency builds, e.g. -Dcheckstyle.skip
  • -DskipTests by default
  • buildTimeout
  • By default failWith: {goals: release:prepare} to prevent releases with source dependencies

Releases with source dependencies: yes or no?

As long as deloyment of artifacts to public Maven repositories is meant


  • Because tools unaware of srcdeps will see the -SRC- deps as non-available

    • IDEs, static pom.xml analysers, srcdeps-unaware build tools…​

Delivery of binaries to production?

  • Docker image, fat jar, or even war or ear

      Why not?

  • Nobody will pull it as an old-style maven dependency


Can you think of any?

  • Tools unaware of srcdeps (IDEs, static pom.xml analysers, …​) will see the -SRC- deps as non-available
  • Only Maven and git supported ATM (contributions welcome!)
  • However immutable git commits are, they can still disappear from repos, or even the whole repo can be deleted

    • Best practice: use srcdeps only against your own repos or your own mirrors of third party repos

  • There is still a few things that may differ among devs: java version, mvn version

    • Projects should use mvnw with a fixed mvn version
    • Enforcer plugin for Java version

  • The -SRC- artifacts (jars, wars, …​) built by you and me will typically not be binary equal

    • Typically will make no harm
    • Where would this matter actually?

Other use cases for srcdeps

Dependency project dead or not releasing fast enough

  • Fork and use as a source dependency
  • No consent from the dependency project needed

Dependency project doing nasty things

  • Accept only some of their changes (e.g. security fixes) in your fork and throw away all that can harm your stability
  • Again, no consent from the dependency project needed

History of srcdeps

  • Created around October 2015 during my time in Hawkular

    • A greenfield project with several components
    • To speedup the integration of components
    • Positive feedback, still in use

  • Pull request to introduce srcdeps to WildFly Core open this week

    • Discussion in progress on
    • Looks like srcdeps will be allowed in pull requests but will not be allowed to be merged to stable branches, such as master → a partial productivity win for the submitter

srcdeps project status

Contributions welcome!

Things to remember about srcdeps

  • Eliminates the idle time when waiting to a release of a dependency
  • Shortens the integration/delivery cycles in complex dependency hierarchies
  • May eliminate the need for a shared Maven repository
  • Gives power to the consuming project because no action or consent from the dependency project required


